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Project B08 (Kleinbongard/Heusch)

Cardioprotection by ischemic conditioning in pigs with a metabolic syndrome

B08 investigates cardioprotection by ischemic conditioning in pigs with controlled coronary occlusion/reperfusion and focuses on the endpoints infarct size and coronary microvascular obstruction. In Göttingen minipigs, infarct size and coronary microvascular obstruction are reduced by ischemic conditioning in a sex-independent manner. Ossabaw pigs are characterized by a genetic predisposition to a metabolic syndrome. Currently, we are investigating whether ischemic conditioning also protects Ossabaw pigs from the consequences of ischemia/reperfusion - even after development of a metabolic syndrome. In a translational approach, we investigate whether and how remote ischemic conditioning reduces myocardial injury and improves prognosis of patients undergoing elective coronary bypass graft surgery.